A Study Into The Relation Between Nomadic Culture and Society

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


Human migration is movement (physical or psychological) by humans from one district to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups. (www.wikipedia.com)

Why do people migrate - there are a number of different reasons why people migrate from one place to another. The need to escape from persecution through war and ethnic cleansing, extreme poverty and hunger, slavery and displacement or financial gain.

Migrant Mother 1936, Dorothea Lange

"Nipomo, Calif. March 1936.
Migrant agricultural worker's family.
Seven hungry children and their
mother,aged 32. The father is a native Californian."

Click on link below to read the article by Dorothea Lange about her encounter with the migrant mother.


Net migration rates for 2008: positive (blue), negative (orange), stable (green), and no data (gray)

BBC News Article -


Over the past 15 years, the number of people crossing borders in search of a better life has been rising steadily. At the start of the 21st Century, one in every 35 people is an international migrant. If they all lived in the same place, it would be the world's fifth-largest country.

Many people migrate as a way of life moving from place to place to seek out work during different seasons. They enjoyu this way of life and in many ways it is not dissimilar to that of nomadic cultures.

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